Nutrition stakeholders (donors, implementers and catalysts) have played a crucial role in alleviating malnutrition in Laos. The maps here provide a glimpse of stakeholders’ contributions (3Ws) at province level. The 3Ws represent:
- Who: Name of stakeholder
- Where: Presence of stakeholder in which province
- What: Nutrition interventions supported by the stakeholder
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: EU, USAID, French Food Aid Programme, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Vientiane Capital
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: EU, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: GAFSP, French Food Aid Programme
Implementing partners: WFP
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: GAFSP
Implementing partners: WFP
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USDA
Implementing partner: WFP
- WASH in schools
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Nutritious school meals
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USDA
Implementing partner: WFP
- WASH in schools
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Nutritious school meals
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: ADB, GAFSP
Implementing partners: WFP
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
Implementing partners: WFP
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Evidence generation
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Nutritious school meals
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program (USDA)
Implementing partners:WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Evidence generation
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
Donors: USDA, WFP
Implementing partners: WFP,
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Nutritious school meals
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Evidence generation
- Nutritious school meals
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Care Int
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: MoFEA
Implementing partners: CARE INT
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: WB, IBRD/IDA, SDC, GAFSP, Plan International (Australia, German, and USA), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia),
Implementing partners: WFP, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Plan International
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: EU, AFD
Implementing partners: CARE INT, WFP, NIRAS
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
Donors: Luxembourg Aid and Development, McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program (USDA)
Implementing partners: WFP, Lux Dev
- Evidence generation
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Evidence generation
Donors: EU, AFD, USDA, WVI, TEARFUND Australia (including from AUSAid, World Renew, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, WFP, WV, World Renew,NIRAS
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Nutritious school meals
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ADB, GAFSP, SDC, WB, ANCP, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, WFP, SNV, ChildFund, NIRAS
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Evidence generation
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
Implementing partners: WFP, Plan International, ADB
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Evidence generation
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Nutritious school meals
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donors: USDA
Implementing partners: WFP
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: Luxembourg Aid and Development, McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program (USDA), EU
Implementing partners: LuxDev, WFP, Plan International
- WASH in communities
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Evidence generation
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
Donors: Luxembourg Aid and Development
Implementing partners: LuxDev
- WASH in communities
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Evidence generation
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: EU, KFW, USAID, JICA, USDA, WV, WFP, Luxembourg Aid and Development, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, LuxDev, WV, CRS, WFP,
- WASH in communities
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- Nutritious school meals
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Financial management, planning, tracking and reporting
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: USAID, EU, ANCP, KFW, USDA, WV, AFAS, Plan International, Government of China, United States Department of Agriculture, AFAS FOUNDATION in the Netherland
Implementing partners: UNICEF, MCNV, CRS, WV, WFP, Plan International,
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- IMCI and deworming
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Evidence generation
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: USAID, EU, ANCP, MFAT New Zealand, Plan International (Australia, German, and USA), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia), USDA, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, WFPPlan International, WV
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- IMCI and deworming
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: USDA, WV, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, WFP, WV
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- WASH in schools
- Evidence generation
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Nutritious school meals
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: EU, ANCP, USDA, USAID, Government of China
Implementing partners: UNICEF, WFP, WV
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Evidence generation
- IMCI and deworming
- Nutritious school meals
- Micronutrient supplementation in schools
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: MoFEA
Implementing partners: CARE INT
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Micronutrient supplementation in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ANCP, WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ANCP, MFAT New Zeeland
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ANCP
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donors: USAID
Implementing partners: CRS
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
Donors: United States Department of Agriculture, WFP
Implementing partners: CRS
- WASH in schools
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
Donors: United States Department of Agriculture, WFP
Implementing partners: CRS
- WASH in schools
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- WASH in schools
- Nutritious school meals
Donors: EU, ANCP, MFAT New Zeeland
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ANCP
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Plan Int
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: Plan International (Australia, German, and USA), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)
Implementing partners: Plan International
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU
Implementing partners: Plan International
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donors: EU
Implementing partners: Plan International
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU
Implementing partners: Plan International
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: Plan International (Australia, German, and USA), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)
Implementing partners: Plan International
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
Donors: WVI
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
Donors: EU, ANCP
Implementing partners: WVI
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- Integration of nutrition in school curriculum
- Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
- WASH in communities
- Evidence generation
- Integration of nutrition into PHC
- IMCI and deworming
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: SDC
Implementing partners: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: SDC
Implementing partners: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Lux Dev
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donor: Luxembourg Aid and Development
Implementing partner: LuxDev
- WASH in Communities
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available
Vientiane Capital
Donor: Luxembourg Aid and Development
Implementing partner: LuxDev
- WASH in Communities
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donor: Luxembourg Aid and Development
Implementing partner: LuxDev
- WASH in Communities
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
Donor: Luxembourg Aid and Development
Implementing partner: LuxDev
- WASH in Communities
- WASH in schools
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Evidence generation
- Institutional capacity, governance and coordination
- Nutrition emergency planning and response
- Capacity building of human resources in all sectors
- Social and Behavior Change Communication
- Gender equity in nutrition
World Renew
This map provides stakeholder action mapping data at provincial levels. Please click on any province to see more information.

Donors: TEARFUND Australia (including from AUSAid), ERIKS, World Renew own funds
Implementing partners: World Renew
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
Donors: TEARFUND Australia (including from AUSAid), ERIKS, World Renew own funds
Implementing partners: World Renew
- Production of diverse crops, vegetables and fruits
- Production of protein and calcium based foods
- Agriculture value chain system for nutrition
- Sustainable use of natural resources and NTFPs
- Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition
- WASH in communities
- WASH in schools
Donors: Data not available
Implementing partners: Data not available
- Data not available