NIPN Khammouane Province

Khammouane overview:

Located: in the central region of Laos

Total area: 16,135 square kilometers

Population: 446,000 (2024)

8 Districts: Thakhek, Mahaxay, Nongbok, Hinboun, Nhommalath, Bualapha, Nakai, Xebangfai, Xaybouathong and Khounkham

Capital of the province: Thakhek District

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NIPN news updates in Khammouane

NIPN at the Sub-national

National Nutrition Data Landscape Updates

The National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) data analysis unit conducted a comprehensive data mapping exercise from 9 – 11 July 2024, to boost accessibility of health & nutrition indicators across all sectors. This exercise marked the second round of...

NIPN secretariate office of the Khammouane province is located at the International Cooperation Division, Department of Planning and Investment.

Head of Secretariate: Mr. Hatsadong Southammavong

Download NIPN structure for Khammouane province


Nutritional Status

Low birth weight

Prevalence of stunting by district

Prevalence of wasting by district

Prevalence of underweight by district

Prevalence of low birth weight by district

Maternal health

Pregnant women who receives ANC for the first time

Pregnant women receiving at least 90 iron-folic acid tablets

Source: DHIS2 (Jan – June 2024)

Education Sector

Percentage of water used in schools

Percentage of latrine and body washing area in school

Source: Department of Education and sports 

Agriculture Sector

Rice production (2023)

Principles crops production (2023)

Source: Department of Agriculture and Forestry