The 2nd joint quarterly meeting for 2022 was organized on the 19th of August 2022 at the MPI meeting room, The meeting was co-chaired by Mme Sisomboun Ounavong, Director General of International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Mr. Vatthana Attanaphone, Program manager, a represents The EU Lao PDR and Ms. Maryam Abdu represents the UNICEF Lao PDR (online) The meeting was participated by the members of the policy and data analysis units. The main objective of the meeting was to report the implementation of the first 2 quarters of 2022 and share key successes, challenges, lessons learned, and the activity plan for 3rd quarter. The meeting also presented the preliminary results of the NIPN phase 1 evaluation and discuss the structure of NIPN for implementation in phase 2.
NIPN theory of change and sustainability workshop
From December 16-20, 2024, a comprehensive...